【老外说】保持年轻的秘密 您所在的位置:网站首页 quarter 意思 【老外说】保持年轻的秘密


2023-03-26 03:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


You look quite younger.

I try to live a very clean life. I think that’s what it predominatelycome from, and genes as well, genetics. My dad was Chinese, so I’m half Chinese, quarter Dutch, and quarter Asian as well. So I’m a mix of everything.

predominately 占主导地位 genetics 遗传学


But I think for a Chinese still, you look younger for a 40-year-old. You get very few wrinkles around your eyes and around your mouth…

wrinkle 皱纹

You’re gonna make me blush now. The check is in the post. I appreciate it.


What exactly do you do to live a clean life?

You’ve opened up a can of worms now.

I try to be in ketosismost of the time. Ketosis is when your body goes into starvationmode from fasting. What happens is that you burn fat cells rather than muscle and things like that. I tend to try and fast about once a day or once every other day. I tend to put my body into ketosis, which involves not eating for around 16 hours a day till I have my next meal, which is fine. Actually, as human beings, if you’re into anthropologyand looking into this kind of things, we are not meant togorgelike we do in modern society. So putting your body into ketosis is very beneficial. You get rid of bad cells, and you produce good cells. That’s one thing.

open a can of worms 照字面来说,如果打开一罐蠕虫,全部虫子就会到处蠕动爬行,要想控制可不容易。 引伸而言就是增加麻烦、困难或制造更多的问题。 Ketosis 酮症 starvation 饥饿 fast 禁食,斋戒 anthropology 人类学 be meant to 注定 gorge 狼吞虎咽 get rid of 摆脱


You don’t eat anything during these 16 hours, but you do drink water?

I try to cut out my sugar as well. We are not meant to have it in this form. So I try and cut all of this out, stay on a ketosis, keep my body in ketosis. I also try and maintain my gut biome. Does this make sense to you? I can’t believe I’m having this conversation. This is the body stuff taking care of. I’m exploring psilocybin.

biome 生物群系 Psilocybin 裸头草碱


Apart from the diet part, you also mentioned that you do a little sports, and you went to Bulgaria to ski. And you mentioned that you boxa lot, right, when you’re younger. What are you doing on a daily basis, for exercise I mean, for keeping in shapeand for keeping fit and healthy.

box 拳击 keep in shape 保持体形

I generally try and live an active life. It’s a lifestyle. I’ll get up in the morning, I’ll go and train for a bit, then I’ll do a bit of yoga as well. I’ve been trying to do that and get a bit more flexible. Eat healthy. I recently split up frommy girlfriend, I’ve just been trying to keep busy. That’s all. Really. Just being positive and doing positive things.

flexible 灵活的,柔韧的 split up from 和…分手

I thoroughly recommend that you research a Ketosis diet, keto diets, because it’s hugely beneficial. When I was in Bulgaria, just to give you a little break down, I was at the hideousstate I've ever been. I was 80kg. I had a bit of a belly on me and so on and so forth. I came back to Thailand and started training. But then I ended up in a bike accident and stopped training for like three months, two months. But I went on to this ketosis diet, or it’s not even a diet, it’s a lifestyle. This is something you just have to live and be. Do you know what I mean? It’s not something you could just try and then go back to the usual ways and things like that. It’s just the way you have to be. I got my six-packback literally in two months. Pretty amazing?

thoroughly 非常 break down 分解(以便说明) hideous 丑陋的 so on and so forth 等等 six-pack 六块腹肌


I’m just looking it up on the internet, and I’m roughlyreading it now. Well, it contains no carbsat all?

roughly 粗略的 carb 碳水

I’ll go to like one meal a day. I’ll eat what I want, however much I want within like a two-hour window or three-hour window of my ketosis, fast thing if you want to call it that.

So then what happens is then I won’t eat anything for another 12-16 hours till I have my next meal. And by that time I’m really hungry though. But you go through this stage of life, feeling very hungry and not being able to function and so on and so forth, just being really sharp. I really recommend it.

sharp 敏锐的


With one meal a day, I don’t really think you have all that energy to manage to work out...

If you look into physiologicalhistory, as us humans, we were literally between feast and famine. This is how we used to live. So there would be stages where we would go 24 hours without having a meal, but we still have to go out and hunt and perform, and still be efficient. Our bodies have allowed us to do these things. It's weird, just to go on an abstract direction, all of the major religions even, they have fasting in their doctrines. I really believe it’s important for us to fast and it gives our body a chance to replace bad cells with good cells.

physiological 生理学的 feast 盛宴 famine 饥荒 doctrine 教条,教义









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